Tuesday 22 June 2010

The simple womans daybook

For today: Tuesday 22nd June 2010

Outside my window: the same view - its lovely, but we were supposed to have moved off this mooring three weeks ago and it reminds me that the water tank in empty and the engine wont start :(

I am thinking: now that study is over for the summer that I can finally paint the book cases and make new curtains!

I am thankful for: My eldest who knows how to stand his ground when its needed but shows compassion beyond his years.

From the Kitchen: breakfast at Ikea! what more can I say - this pregnancy is making me anti food!

I am wearing: A summer dress (about 5 years old with holes in, but is so light I cannot bear to part with it)

I am going: To the south coast to visit mum & dad tomorrow, not so much a rest for me but boys are excited to see the folks

I am reading: nothing - I gave up on the last book in disgust and The little house is finished, I don't like being between books

I am hoping: that the UK gov budget goes in our favour

I am hearing: pepa pig, aghhhhhhh!

Around the home: clean and tidy, neat clothes piled ready to be packed

One of my favourite things: Apple pie, yum!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Lie completely in my mums hands ????

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Here is a picture for the thought I am sharing: Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild - welsh proverb

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you'll be able to get your boat fixed soon.
    Enjoy your visit with your family!
